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Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Grantham South - Spring Update 2015

Since the Grantham South Newsletter has gone out to local residents there has been further progress on some key matters...

It is hugely concerning to hear from a member of staff working in the field of acute medical care that Grantham Hospital Accident and Emergency Services could be downgraded. Despite a number of queries with officers at Lincolnshire County Council, who have responsibility for our healthcare provision I have yet to get either a confirmation or denial of the concerns raised.

Working with Labours Parliamentary Candidate Barrie Fairburn I have submitted a Freedom of Information request to East Midlands Ambulance Service to gauge the level of use of ambulances in our area for:-

a. acute emergency emergencies
b. maternity emergencies
c. stroke emergencies

Barrie Fairbairn has sought clarification over the agreement between the hospital trust and ambulance service regarding which patients will be accepted into Grantham Hospital.

On top of this I have also learned that members of the Fire Brigade Union FBU have raised safety concerns regarding the latest cuts which have been approved by the Conservative and Independent Coalition Cabinet on Lincolnshire County Council. I have a meeting planned shortly to discuss the concerns raised.

Generally I am seeing an increase in personal case work regarding social care needs and also the impact of benefit sanctions. It is hugely concerning to see local vulnerable people, including families with young children, and elderly people struggling to survive and in danger of falling into the ever increasing gaps as key services are withdrawn or inadequately funded.

In the meanwhile I had a useful meeting with Satesh Shah the new senior manager responsible for Highways in our area. I went through a number of key highways issues including:

a. Mc Donalds Junction - We are petitioning for pedestrian and cycle facilities at this dangerous junction which are long overdue - Satesh has agreed to review the situation and listened to my concerns at the delay in provision of safe crossing facilities here and also the need for a right turn filter from London Road heading South into Springfield Road.

b. Little Gonerby School crossing - My request for a crossing near Hill Avenue/Sandon Road and LCC have confirmed that a crossing is warranted here. They are now researching the best location for the crosing.

c. St Annes School Crossing  - Work is scheduled to start prior to September 2015. It will be a relief to finally see a lollipop person back outside the school after so much campaign activity by local residents and parents.

d. HGV traffic from Alma Park through St Vincents area - Satesh has agreed to review of the route taken by HGVs after I argued that by measuring the number of HGVs only along Harrowby Road the highways team have failed to recognise the impact overall of HGVs travelling down New Beacon Lane, through Harrowby Rd, potentially St Catherins or Stonebridge Road. Rather than consider a restriction on HGVs at present officers are planning to redesign the road junction at Stonebridge road to make it easier for them to travel.

e. On street parking - There is a huge issue across the whole of St Vincents regarding the lack of available on street parking. I have complained that recent LCC Highways planning applications for new Traffic Regulation Orders including restrictions on Dudley Road, will worsen the situation. Resident Parking questionaires have goine out to residents living near the Railway Station and are still coming back. It is vital these are completed by as many people as possible if a Resident Parking scheme can be considered. Helpful feedback from residents indicates some thinking outside the box would also be appreciated as it is clear part of the problem is a lack of available low cost parking in formal car parks, especially at night time. I have asked SKDCs Paul Stokes to explore making more Car Parks available at night time. Other suggestions have included purchasing private property and liasing with the Railway Authority to get lower cost parking and therefore reduce the need for people to park on-street. I have also called upon Satesh Shah to look at reversing/removing the new TROs on Station Road East which I opposed and which have resulted in further pressure on the streets around the Railway Station.

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