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Saturday 3 September 2011

Would You Like a Visit to the Mayor's Office? I can help

As a Grantham Ward Councillor I find myself also a member of the Charter of Trustees. As a result I am required to attend meetings in the Mayor's office and assist with civic duties, including fundraising.

I personally would also like the Trustees to put aside political differences in the Council Chamber and put forward ideas that would support the people of Grantham! We can but dream (and keep badgering away at the idea too).

At our meeting this week debate was largely around the Mayor's car. It was generally agreed that the lowest cost, most fuel efficient vehicle should be found that can take four passengers. A Reliant Robin was suggested.

I  have volunteered to help feed the hundreds of cyclists who will arrive at the Mere's in November cycling for charity. It is the same day the Christmas Lights go on.

I had a delightful tour of the Mayor's Office with Peter who has a number of roles supporting the Mayor's Office including chauffeur, tour guide, assistant, washer upper and organiser. (Ann does most of the organising it has to be said from a tiny office at the back.)

Peter showed me a number of artefacts, most of which are gifts to the Mayor over the years. The Mayor's Staff is ornate and beautifully crafted but the most moving items were the most humble. Tiny origami gifts from the children of Fukushima,Japan so tragically struck by the earthquake and tsunami. There have been links for some time between children in Fukushima and children in Grantham through schools.
I made the point to Peter that I find it concerning how divorced the Mayor's Office seems from the people of Grantham. I am glad to say he agrees. He is keen to open up the office as much as possible. He has agreed that if any of my ward members (or other Granthonians for that matter) would like a tour of the office please contact me and I will arrange it with Peter for you. You are also welcome to bring relatives along.
Peter has produced a booklet on the contents of the Mayor's Office available for £6 which will go to the Mayor's Charities.

The Mayor's Office belongs to all of us. Come and take a look.

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