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Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Shirley Croft Development - Success in Planning Committee

Local residents from St Vincents Road and Croft Drive sighed with relief when our arguments to halt the over bearing new development proposed for the old Shirley Croft sit were accepted by the Development Control Commitee. As a result they voted to REJECT the proposed plans.

It was a missed opportunity for the developer from whom residents were willing to accept a less substantial development. Residents accepted the taller houses facing onto Harrowby Road but were asking that houses backing onto their gardens (Plots 5-8) should be single storey bungalows and not the 2/3 storey buildings planned which would have been overbearing and cause issues with light and overlooking for some residents.

The developer has a few options now and we will need to monitor to see what happens next.

They may go to appeal
They may revisit their plans and submit a new development application
They may sell the plot as it is 
They may do nothing.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Conserving Grantham opposes the loss of St Catherines

Conserving Grantham members are campaigning to save St Catherines House, St Catherines Road which now faces the same fate as the Shirley Croft Hotel. McCarthy and Stone are planning a 44 apartment block on the site of St Catherines should their proposed demolition go ahead.

We are concerned not only at the loss of yet another landmark building in the area, but also the loss of significant hedgerow which borders the house and is over 150 years old. The new proposals will transform the streetscene. St Catherines Road will be in the heart of the new Conservation Area should plans go ahead.
The application is due to be heard at February 2012 Development Control Committee Meeting. I will be stepping down from my usual role on the committee in order to join Dudley Road residents as they campaign for St Catherines.

Concerns extend beyond the loss of the Victorian building. The new proposals are considered too intensive for the area and are likely to cause further parking issues with only 19 spaces being provided for visitors and residents. The hedgerow will be lost, some trees cut down and the character of St Catherines Road will be changed.

Croft Drive and St Vincents residents oppose plans for Shirley Croft site

I have been working with Croft Drive residents to oppose development plans for the former Shirley Croft Hotel site which are considered too intensive.

The plans (S11/2065) were originally rejected in full by the Development Control Committee in October 2011 who proposed the provision of single storey houses to the rear of the development to address overlooking and loss of light issues from nearby residents.

However, the developer has resubmitted the plans with only minor changes to the original two and a half storey houses planned.

St Annes Conservation Area Application

Conserving Grantham has submitted proposals to South Kesteven District Council for a new St Annes Conservation Area in a bid to protect local heritage and natural environment. The application was the end result after alot of hard work with fellow campaigners Anne Gayfer, Alice Brown and Marilyn Campbell.

The Journal covered our story.

For full details of the Conserving Grantham application please see the Conserving Grantham website (soon to be up and running). You are welcome to contact me for details in the meanwhile.