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Thursday, 17 November 2011

Housing Benefit changes to hit single adults from January 2012

There will be significant reductions in the housing benefit available to single people aged between 18-35 years from January 2012.

The Government will only pay Shared Accommodation rate in future for people falling into this age range unless there are exceptional circumstances.

There is a real concern that many claimants are unaware of the changes and many landlords are unaware as well. The changes will force single people into shared accommodation. This is not as straightforward as it may seem. Many single people are divorced or seperated and have children. How will they manage to keep up contact with their children once forced to share their home with strangers?

This policy is ill considered and will force thousands of people to leave their home. 
The proposals are anticipated to go through the House of Commons in December 2011 and South Kesteven District Council will start implementing the changes from January 2012.

Full details of the changes can be viewed through the Department of Work and Pensions link

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Concessions won for residents as McDonalds apply for 24/7 operation


Residents win concession as Grantham McDonalds plan to stay open 24/7
South Kesteven District Council Development Control Committee meeting on 15th November 2011 in the Civic Chambers granted only temporary permission for McDonalds in Bridge End Road Grantham to operate 24hrs daily after letters of objection were received from local residents, St Annes Ward Councillor Charmaine Morgan and County Councillor Adam Stokes.
Ward Councillor Charmaine Morgan, who has been listening to residents in neighbouring streets and reflecting feedback from beat constable PC Simon Wright, spoke at the Committee meeting on their behalf. She also worked with SKDC Planning Officers prior to the meeting to get a condition restricting delivery times added.
Councillor Morgan said: "There have been serious concerns raised regarding anti-social behaviour at the site from youths regularly using the McDonalds car park as a meeting point. Neighbouring residents have had to tolerate years of sleepless nights due to loud music blaring, horns sounding, shouting and screaming and engines revving  and back-firing into the early hours. The youths also dangerously race between McDonalds Car Park and the island on Houghton Road, which they  treat as a speed circuit.
Residents have also complained about rats, bad odours and the recently installed tannoy system which operates only a few yards from residents homes in South Parade.
Councillor Morgan said that she will be working closely with residents, the youths, the Environmental Health Officers, McDonalds and Police to tackle the issues on the site.
She said 'McDonalds must start to take the concerns of their neighbours seriously and act against anti-social behaviour and envrionmental issues on their site or face losing their increased operational hours. By making only a few changes McDonalds could greatly improve the quality of life for neighbouring residents. They have managed to keep litter at bay around their premises and South Parade but need to extend this to Bridge End Road.
SKDC Environmental Protection Team are urging anyone experiencing anti-social behaviour or other environmental concerns such as rats and odours to report them to the Environmental Protection Team on 01476 406080. They will work with residents to closely monitor the situation. In a worst-case scenario SKDC Environmental Protection team have the authority to shut down any take-away premises which fails to tackle anti-social behaviour of customers.
Councillor Morgan is also urging people to report issues regarding mis-use of vehicles to create anti-social noise or dangerous driving, after 11pm to the Police. She said:
The Police need to support residents more. Mis-use of vehicles to cause noise and disturbance is an offence and they can take action to confiscate the vehicles of persistent offenders. SKDC Planning process revealed Police records were poor and didn't reflect the issues residents have had. It is important to get a crime reference number from the Police who can be contacted on 999 whilst an offence is being committed out of hours.
For further info:
The attached information sheet regarding Noise is a useful reference guide to the differing laws and powers to act around this issue.
Other Useful Links

Friday, 11 November 2011

How to get help with anti-social behaviour

To tackle anti-social behaviour it is really important that we all work together. 

It also helps to know your rights. For example, thanks to Heathrow Airport campaigners the European Courts have confirmed British residents have the "right to sleep".

It is the responsibility of your local authority i.e. South Kesteven District Council Environmental Health Team  to protect you from persistent noise/anti social behaviour that affect you.

There is also an overlap in responsibility with many anti-social behaviour activities also being criminal activities. All criminal activities can also be tackled by the police who have increasing powers to act in this area. This is especially applicable for anti-social behaviour involving vehicles where recent changes in the law give the police the power to confiscate vehicles after a second warning BUT the officer must catch the person in the act to deliver the warning.

What you can do

Please report all anti-social behavioural activities and crimes. 
Be persistent. 
Don't give up.
If you feel you are not being taken seriously by any authorised body - police or council officials please let me know or call me on 01476 574748.

Criminal Activity
Please report any incidents of anti-social behaviour to the Police on 101, especially where vehicles are used. Police have the power to confiscate vehicles of persistent offenders.

Serious incidents OR crimes in progress should be reported immediately on 999.
When contacting the Police, due to concerns about local Police reporting, please also notify South Kesteven District Council's Community Safety Team - Contact Sandy Cavanagh via
or call 0800183 0279 

The Community Safety Team monitor progress and look for trends.

Neighbour disputes and anti-social behaviour around a business premises/take away
Neighbour disputes e.g. noise and harrassment and anti-social behavioural issues around business premises including takeaways should be reported to the Environmental Health Team - South Kesteven District Council.

They also handle other environmental issues including odours, vermin, background noise etc. 

The Environmental Protection team are available through Anne-Marie Cautauld on 01476 406080.


It is important to gain a reference number upon each contact to ensure your call is properly logged. If all incidents are properly logged senior managers can identify where there are issues and provide appropriate resources to tackle the issues. 

In the case of business premises which fail to address anti-social behaviour issues relating to their premises the Environmental Health team can use records to build a case for terminating any license/permission to trade.

Latest Local News

As a result of my contact with local residents in Bridge End Road and South Parade I will be working with the Community Safety Team and PC Simon Wright to address some of the ongoing issues regarding late night "boy racers" in the area.

We continue to monitor progress tackling anti-social behavioural issues along River Walk. There is still more work to be done here too.

If you have any problems and want to know how to get help please do not hesitate to contact me on 01476 574748. 

Other Useful Links

South Kesteven District Council - Environmental Health

McDonalds Grantham Apply for 24 hour operation - Councillor Morgan defends local residents

McDonalds, located at the corner of  Bridge End Road and London Road, Grantham is seeking planning approval to extend existing operational hours for their drive-in and restaurant to 24 hour - 7 days a week - Planning reference S11/2432.

After contacting neighbouring residents about the proposals I discovered that a number of people have been suffering from anti-social behaviour from youths visiting the McDonalds car park late at night. 

As a result of my discussions with local residents I have decided to speak on their behalf at the Development Control Planning Meeting on 13th November opposing the plans.

This case highlights the importance of recording any incidents of anti-social behaviour to the Police on 0300 111 0300 and to South Kesteven District Council's Community Safety Team - Contact Sandy Cavanagh 0800183 0279.. 

It is important to gain a reference number upon each contact to ensure your call is properly logged.

As a result of my contact with local residents I will be working with the Community Safety Team and PC Simon Wright to address some of the ongoing issues regarding late night "boy racers" in the area.

If you have any problems in your area and want to know how to get help please do not hesitate to contact me on 01476 574748.

Stop the NHS Bill - Sign the Petition - Link here

Please find my Press Release below to the Grantham Journal and Stamford Mercury regarding Labour Councillor support of the campaign to stop the NHS Bill
Labour Councillors are urging local residents to join the national campaign to stop the Governments plans to radically transform our NHS.
The NHS Bill which will cost an estimated £2bn* to implement, includes proposals to:-
  • handover 60% of our NHS Budget of £106bn to GPs
  • will encourage GPs, using financial incentives, to "ration" patient care; remove national standards creating a postcode lottery;
  • water down measurement of NHS patient waiting times whilst removing the cap on private patient care, resulting in increased waiting times for NHS patients
  • will penalise hospitals which collaborate on patient care rather than compete with each other.
An online petition is underway to encourage the Government to re-think before it is too late:
Councillor Charmaine Morgan Chair Labour Group and Chair SOS Grantham Hospital says:
'We are already seeing long queues in Lincoln A&E and significant pressure on ambulance staff who have increased ferrying of patients between local hospitals as a result of changes to our A&E services. Every mile travelled in an emergency puts a patients life further at risk.
As Grantham grows it is all the more important we have a fully operational A&E unit and we must not lose sight of the need to improve our Maternity and Paediatric (Children's) Services. The proposals in the NHS Bill combined with financial cuts will put more strain on our services but make it harder for us to monitor.'
Labour Group Leader Councillor Ian Selby says "We also urge people to write to Nick Boles MP and tell him what you think".
The South Kesteven District Council Labour Group of Councillors includes:-
Ian Selby - Group Leader
Charmaine Morgan - Group Chair
Rob Shorrock,
Bruce Wells,
Alan Davidson
Mark Ashberry
Phil Dilkes
Councillor Charmaine Morgan can be contacted on 01476 574748 for anyone wanting more details about the campaign.
Cllr Charmaine Morgan (Labour)
St Anne's Ward
South Kesteven District Council

Shirley Croft Hotel - Letter to Journal Responding to Councillor Cook

Dear Sir/Madam
In the Journal Letters, Friday 28th October, Councillor Mike Cook stated that I was the only person speaking on behalf of saving Shirley Croft Hotel at the Development Control Meeting. For the record in total 49 people contacted South Kesteven District Council planning officers to protest at the loss of Shirley Croft Hotel. Only one wrote in support of the proposed development. I spoke in my capacity as Ward Councillor and campaigner on behalf of a number of local people, including neighbouring residents who wanted to see development plans scaled down. This at least, was achieved in the end.
Sometimes, it is important to stand up for what you think is right even if the odds are against you. I would like to thank everyone who tried to stop the loss of this lovely historic building and for the supportive comments I have received out and about. I would also like to thank everyone who has committed to continue working with me to save other buildings and trees facing a similar fate.
We will all need to come together to protect and conserve Grantham's heritage.
Cllr Charmaine Morgan (Labour)
St Anne's Ward
South Kesteven District Council