There is a six week deadline for public consultation regarding the South Quadrant Masterplan included in the Grantham Area Action Plan. South Quadrant borders, and in places, overlaps St Anne's Ward.
You could be affected if you live in St Anne's Ward or go to any of the development sites in the GAAP.
This is your chance to have your say. I will also be reviewing the Masterplan. The proposals supported by the Tory councillors in Full Council were very high level and insufficient as to identify all potential issues, which is why the Labour group asked for decision to progress to this stage to be deferred. The Tories voted against the deferral proposal and as a result the plans are now going ahead.
Our key concerns are:-
a. The council has backed away from delivering maximum affordable housing on each development.
b. The councillors were asked to vote on the plans BEFORE the detailed Masterplans were available and a number of members of the public have raised concerns, especially in Stamford.
c. Whilst there is significant focus on Conservation there is no guarantee that Development will not start BEFORE an assessment of our valued street scenes and buildings has been completed. I have asked for the asset list in the areas earmarked for development to be prioritised.
d. There are some fundamental inaccuracies in the plans and maps. For example the boundary of the Greyfriars development includes the shops on the map at present on Westgate whilst the plan indicates the area behind the shops will be developed.
Our key concerns are:-
a. The council has backed away from delivering maximum affordable housing on each development.
b. The councillors were asked to vote on the plans BEFORE the detailed Masterplans were available and a number of members of the public have raised concerns, especially in Stamford.
c. Whilst there is significant focus on Conservation there is no guarantee that Development will not start BEFORE an assessment of our valued street scenes and buildings has been completed. I have asked for the asset list in the areas earmarked for development to be prioritised.
d. There are some fundamental inaccuracies in the plans and maps. For example the boundary of the Greyfriars development includes the shops on the map at present on Westgate whilst the plan indicates the area behind the shops will be developed.
The public consultation activity will comprise:-
Website Access
From the 16th September people will be able to access information on
this and SKDC will also be contacting people regarding the South Quadrant proposals as follows:-
Letters will be going out to residents and businesses surrounding the
site on the 14th & 15th September to advise them of
Public Drop-In Session 22 September
A public drop-in-session will be held on the 22nd September in
Witham Place Community Room on Bridge End Road from 2pm – 7.30pm
South Kesteven District Council Planning Policy Officer Andy Moger is dealing with this consultation.
It is possible to view a Submission version of the Grantham Area Action Plan online via the details below received from South Kesteven Planning Policy Officers.
Go to
and scroll down to No.8 and click on Appendix A.
Please note the main document is in Appendix A.
If you know someone interested in viewing the document who does not have access to a computer please note CD versions can be provided on request to Colm Ryan.
I have asked that printed versions of the document are made available.
Officers are currently considering this request. I will update this blog as soon as I have any news.
If you have any matters of concern you wish to discuss with me, or would like me to raise on your behalf, please feel free to contact me on 01476 574748 or email me.
Ward Newsletter - St Anne's Rose
My Newsletter will include details of the Grantham Area Action Plan to ensure as many people as possible in my ward have a say.
The proposals for South Quadrant could affect anyone living around Bridge End Road, or roads off Bridge End Road. Additional Public Consultation will take place regarding other areas.