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Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Grantham & Stamford Labour Party - Find us on Facebook

Follow the Grantham & Stamford Labour Party facebook link to find out what the local party are up to.
I am the administrator for this site.

Public Sector Worker Pension Cuts - Strike Action

Have just posted on Ed Miliband's facebook. Not happy that he is not more squarely behind the public sector workers whose pensions are being cut. Whilst I agree with his comment that the Government has handled negotiations badly it is clear Cameron does not want to "negotiate". He just wants it his way.
Robbing Peter - and Paul!

The solution to poor private sector pensions is not to decrease public sector worker pensions.
All workers deserve a decent pension.

No one can tell me there is no money when you look at the income of the top UK earners.
It is there alright - being sucked upward and too often, away, from our country.
It must be the priority of a Labour Government to tackle this injustice and inequality.

Development Control Committee - Hard slog but worth it!

I had the pleasure of talking to Pat Whittacker from Jubilee Church this morning. They are playing a vital role in the community supporting people who would otherwise fall through the net including local working girls, ethnic minority groups and addicts. I look forward to meeting Pat and finding out more about their project. They have just purchased China 88 and are doing it up. Volunteers are helping with painting. We discussed the work done by offenders for the project and I am hoping they may be able to help the skateboard park project in Wyndham Park.

It was a hard slog on Development Control Committee today. We started at 12am with a look at late papers and did not get out of the meeting until 7pm. It is a day of treading on egg shells when every decision must be carefully considered and justified. Yet, there is a great sense of satisfaction when you feel you have weighed things up and done something right. Locally the residents of Lodge Way, protesting at the proposal to build a block of flats, overlooking their homes, must be breathing a sigh of relief. 

I raised a Point of Information in Any other Business highlighting that the Association of Labour Councillors are communicating with SKDC Monitoring officer regarding the refusal to allow some councillors to vote. The issue came up again today and caused some heated debate when an experienced councillor was barred from speaking or voting on a matter because he had missed one meeting.

I abstained from a vote on a poultry factory farm near Allington. It is not possible to oppose a development on animal welfare grounds. Perhaps it should be.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Request to Portfolio Holder SKDC for funds for Wyndham Park playground equipment

Having had a number of people raise concerns about the ever reducing state of equipment on the upper playground at Wyndham Park, combined with concern at the lack of funds for maintenance of the treasured Skateboard Park I have written to Cllr John Smith Portfolio Holder for Healthy Environments asking how we can secure funds for Wyndham Park.

Whilst I am delighted £64k funding has been provided to give children at Arnoldfield super new equipment it seems somewhat harsh that so little is being done for the children who use Wyndham Park. The equipment in the playground for younger children is excellent, but there is little for older children.

To quote Jenny who runs the cafe and is currently personally funding the Skateboard Park, "It is important to maintain existing equipment as well as providing new".
The lack of equipment in the upper playground now is such that new equipment is provided.

The skateboard park in particular encourages young people to develop physical skills - some to competition level. This should be encouraged. I will promote and support our local parks. Dysart Park and Wyndham Park play a vital role in our community and are heavily dependent now on voluntary activity.

Funds Needed for Skateboard Park - Can the Co-Op Party help? Can you help?

Had a chat with Jenny this week at the Wyndham Park Cafe and she is desperately seeking funds for the skateboard park. Despite its popularity with young people the Wyndham Park Skateboard Park has received no funding from the council for maintenance etc.

Jenny has kindly taken on the task of keeping it going. If you can make any donations please visit Jenny at her cafe in the park. No doubt she would be delighted to hear from you. In the meanwhile I am investigating funding sources with SKDC and we are looking at applying for a grant from the Lincolnshire Co-Operative Party 150th Year fund. Deadline for applications is 1 July and although there is a £500k pot there are a lot of Lincolnshire organisations short of funds this year and already a high number of applications have been received.

If you have a project needing help let me know. Please note you MUST send your form (ideally electronically) through me because I need to get the appropriate Lincolnshire Co-Op Party member numbers for you. Grantham is not (despite our location) in the catchment area for Lincolnshire Co-op Party, but they have kindly agreed to support any applications I forward as a Labour Co-Operative Party councillor.

Grantham Folk Club - The Blue Pig every third Sunday of month

Thanks to David, who I met on election night, for telling me about the Grantham Folk Club which meets at the Blue Pig, Vine Street (as if you didn't know), every third Sunday in the month about 8pm. Anyone welcome to listen and even better bring along own voices/instruments. This is a slight deviation from both St Anne's Ward and more serious stuff but if you have a local event/group you would like me to plug for you on my blog then please let me know.

Grantham & Stamford Labour Party Facebook Page

In addition to my role as a Councillor I am the editor of the Grantham & Stamford Labour Party Facebook page. Latest news and views are here Grantham & Stamford Constituency Labour Party Facebook Page

Councillor Charmaine Morgan (Labour): FIRST BLOG - May - June 2011

Councillor Charmaine Morgan (Labour): FIRST BLOG - May - June 2011: "This is my first blog as a District Councillor for St Anne's. I must say a HUGE thank you to all of the people who supported both myself an..."

Councillor Charmaine Morgan (Labour): Just Getting Started - May - June 2011

Councillor Charmaine Morgan (Labour): Just Getting Started - May - June 2011: "Since joining SKDC as a Councillor I have been elected to join the Communities Policy Development Group and Development & Control Committee ..."

Just Getting Started - May - June 2011

Since joining SKDC as a Councillor I have been elected to join the Communities Policy Development Group and Development & Control Committee (otherwise known as Planning) as well as having been elected Labour Group Chair and have hit the ground running - be it in squeaky new shoes.

My Ward activity has included:-

Working with Dudley House School and local residents to get overhanging branches sorted on Dudley Road. They not only obstructed pedestrians but also hid an important School Warning road sign.
I had to escalate this to Head of Lincolnshire County Council Highways to finally get action.
Reported damage to playground area Wyndham Park to SKDC - Repairs completed following morning.

Attended Dysart Park Fair run by the Dysart Park Group run by Libby Simpson. Thanks to everyone for such a splendid event. It was a pleasure to meet so many local groups. It was unfortunate Libby forgot to mention my attendance in her letter to the Journal. An oversight no doubt.

Attended the Grantham Carnival Fair at Wyndham Park with my daughter. Again, what a great event and many thanks to the organisers. I have arranged to join the Grantham Carnival Committee to help with future events especially given the issues regarding the Carnival route.

Provided details of the Lincolnshire Co-operative Party 150 Years fund to the Grantham Journal and a number of local groups who may have a particular need for funds.

Progressed reports that a child was hit by a b-b gun in Wyndham Park - 
I am still investigating the police receptionist response to mother's initial call.

Progressing the issues identified during our election campaign I have held meetings with:-
PC Jane Ellis (Harrowby area)
PC Simon Wright (river and Universities square area); 
Community Safety Officer Sandy Cavanagh; 
Wyndham Park Wardens, Simon and Colin
Welby Everard Court residents meeting planned with PCSOs but the meeting was cancelled.
Attended a night patrol with PC Simon Wright
Discussed local broadband issues with BT
 As a result of this a number of key activities are planned:-
 - increase foot patrols in certain hot-spots including the River Witham footpath
 - support PC Wright's plan to get a bicycle to improve access to our ward
 - new signs to be put up along River Witham between the parks
  - joint meeting with the store managers of ASDA and Sainsburys regarding disgarded shopping trolleys
  - contact Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust to set up a public meeting to notify people of the value of the river wildlife, and laws relating to its protection.
 - join the Grantham Homeless Forum to better understand issues of some of the people who are causing concern to local residents.
 - set up a joint public meeting inviting residents and businesses along the River Witham/universities square to discuss issues, current initiatives and identify new initiatives - River Watch project Launch
- meet Rivercare - Dudley Road to discuss their work and how I can help
- sending out a Newsletter with key information to ALL St Anne's residents. This will include details of my planned surgeries which will also be made available on my blog.

I attended the AGM of the Citizens Advice Bureau. They face a challenging time as the Coalition Government has got rid of some departments/organisations that did work which it now expects charities like the CAB to do - "Big Society" in action. CAB will be moving into SKDC offices, which makes some sense given the council was funding their previous accommodation elsewhere.

I have accepted invitations to attend
 - the launch of Food Bank to be located at the old China 88 restaurant, where food will be swapped for vouchers and people in critical need will find appropriate advice.
 - Woodland Trust launch of a new local tree planting scheme - watch this space for more information
- Grantham Carnival Group next meeting
- SureStart AGM

I welcome invitations from all local groups.


Having joined the council as a member of a gruop of 6 Labour Councillors on a council dominated by Conservative and Independent Councillors I realise that it will be a real challenge to deliver some of the real changes we want to see in Grantham. However I remain committed to doing whatever I can to make Grantham and St Anne's a great place to live and work.

I realise that one area the Labour Group can make a real difference is in the scrutiny of how the council operates to ensure it fully complies with existing laws and guidelines.

I have approached the Association of Labour Councils over concerns about advice given at our first Development and Control meeting in which
8 new councillors were denied the opportunity to vote or speak on 5 planning applications.At this time the ALC solicitor is communicating with SKDC Monitoring Officer.

I also want to make a positive contribution where I can and have offered to help the council develop an improved process for capturing and progressing new policy ideas working with members of the Communities PDG (Policy Development Group) and Engagement PDG.

I am delighted to say that an idea I had regarding how the council could improve its management of Anti Social Behavioural issues was warmly received at the Engagement PDG (cross party) and is currently being reviewed by Council Officers. It differs slightly from an approach recently rolled out by Lincolnshire County Council which is not having a great impact in implementation. At present enquiries from residents are being shunted around. I am seeking clear ownership of all ASB related issues until their resolution and a single point of contact, including follow up,for residents.

Another key area of improvement identified is how councillors interact with the community. 
At present there is no way that councillors, who attend many groups by invitation, can feedback to the main council. Nor is there any monitoring of councillors attendance record, once they have put themselves forward to stand on an external body, nor, despite the fact councillors are elected onto the external bodies is there a proper procedure by which councillors have to submit the relevence of the committe to their work or skills or personal interests. I am raising this matter on behalf of the Labour Group with the Chief Executive - Beverley Agass.

Last but definitely not least there are some key areas of Government Policy that will affect local people. The Localism Bill and cuts in benefits. Each of these will bring challenges but by delivering both together in a short timescale the Government is putting a huge strain on local people and resources.

I am very concerned at the impact some changes will have, in particular changes to secure tenancy agreements for council tenants and cuts in housing benefit.
In Grantham latest stats show 5 people are chasing every job in the Job Centre. It is a myth to blame individuals for being unemployed. The work is simply not there.
I challenged the Tory group on the Communities PDG to focus on creating jobs where it can, as well as delivering the changes proposed.
I objected to proposals to increase revenues through new parking wardens and car parking charges pointing out that Grantham town centre is having to compete with the supermarkets who have free parking. I was told by Cllr Frances Cartwright (Cons) not to be "negative" about Grantham. It is a matter of opinion whether expressing concern about a policy likely to drive customers away is being "negative". To me it is much more negative to stick your head in the sand and pretend everything is all right rather than really acheive something. The Conservatives have been sitting on funds and chose not to spend them. They now boast that this is a good thing since the cuts have come. They have failed to see how the lack of investment has left Grantham in a vulnerable position.
However, despite my concern at the Tory position I also think that we must rally round and contribute whatever ideas we can, alongside an injection of realism and common sense into the debate.

FIRST BLOG - May - June 2011

This is my first blog as a District Councillor for St Anne's.
I must say a HUGE thank you to all of the people who supported both myself and my husband John, who narrowly missed a second seat for Labour on South Kesteven District Council.

I have hit the ground running and will be using this blog to provide regular updates on my activity, and, comment on the Government policies which will have an affect on us.

I have been elected as SKDC Labour Group Chair, a member of the Communities Policy Development Group and a member of the Development and Control (otherwise known as Planning) committee.
This is a quasai judicial committee which decides on planning applications.
I cannot comment on any application being considered prior to a planning application being considered, but I can consider any information put before me, and I can help point you in the right direction if you have a planning query.

As one of 6 Labour Councillors in a Conservative/Independent controlled council there is only so much I can do but I believe there are four key areas I can make a real difference.

a. Working with local people, organisations and representatives to identify iniatives that can be delivered by thinking "outside the box".

b. Examining how the council works, and being prepared to speak out where poor practise, or even, illegal practise is occuring.

c. Supporting the council where I have the skills, as a former Business Improvement Consultant, so that we all gain from making the council work better for us.

d. Campaigning - locally and nationally - as a Councillor and active member of the Labour Party.

I am aware that a third of people living in Grantham do not have internet access. This blog is for those that do, and anyone else interested in some of the things I have to say.

I will be producing a Newsletter shortly for every household in my ward with details of my recent activities, how to get hold of me, other useful information and details of my surgery times and locations.